Endodontic Therapy
Endodontic disease occurs when the pulp tissue has become inflamed or necrotic. This is commonly caused by dental trauma, specifically complicated crown fractures. Teeth with pulp exposure should never be ignored as they will quickly become colonized with bacteria which can lead to painful abscess formation. Depending on the tooth that has been fractured, the time since the injury and the patient factors, root canal therapy (RCT) or vital pulp therapy (VPT) are options to preserve the structure and function of the tooth. Depending on the tooth that has been fractured, the time since injury and patient factors, root canal therapy (RCT) or vital pulp therapy (VPT) are options. Endodontic therapy can easily be integrated into your practice when collaborating with Philly Vet Dentist.
Root Canal Therapy (RCT): Specialized Dental Interventions
Root canal therapy (RCT) is a procedure that involves removal of all infected pulp material, cleaning and shaping the canal, and filling it with an inert sealer cement. The fracture and access sites are then restored with a composite material. The purpose of this procedure is to preserve the structure and function of the tooth. When appropriate, a metal crown can be placed to add more structure and protect the restoration.
Vital Pulp Therapy:
Vital pulp therapy is a unique procedure that is only appropriate in certain situations. A recent fracture in a young, healthy dog can be treated as such. It is also employed for treatment of malocclusions and with maxillofacial surgery. This procedure includes removal of any unhealthy pulp tissue and direct pulp capping with the goal of keeping the tooth alive.